Showing posts with label MAGA. Show all posts
Showing posts with label MAGA. Show all posts

Tuesday, July 2, 2024

On Communism

Communism goes under many names: socialism, economic equality, equity, racial and social justice, environmentalism, gender ideologies, globalism, wokeness, etc. But whatever the name, the result is always oppression and death.

Proponents of communism always have their gaze locked on the utopia they promise, and either ignore or rationalize the massive death tolls that are needed to achieve their ideal society.

Before communists take over, they argue that it is necessary that some group of people must be harmed in some way (ranging from ostracism to internment to execution). We see this today in America, where conservative and Christian employees are routinely fired from their employment, or when conservatives are deplatformed from banking systems and social media, or when there is encouragement for anti-vaxxers to be locked in their homes or to be put into camps, or when there is a call for the imprisonment and murder of MAGA supporters.

Communists are always one genocide away from utopia, for after they take over, the death toll continues to rise. This is due in part to the economic failures the communists create, but also due to political infighting, such as the Bolshevik-Menshevik Split, the Great Purge, etc. There is certainly political infighting within American leftist circles (transgenders vs TERFs (Trans-Exclusionary Radical Feminists), Zionists vs Palestinians, Palestinians vs gays, etc.). This has not gotten to the point of internment or execution, yet.

When communists attempt to gain power, the “normies” either think they are inconsequential, or say that what they propose is “good in theory,” or excuse the communists by claiming they are merely exercising their Constitutional rights, rights that would vanish once they take control. Thee is a real "sanction of the victim." The communists seem innocent and idealistic, until it Is too late.

Communists use several strategies to gain power, applied simultaneously on multiple fronts:

  • They move the perception of reality slowly, over decades
  • They capture or encircle institutions
  • They repeat Yuri Bezmenov's cycle of demoralization, destabilization, crisis (takeover), and normalization (the new ideology becomes the official ideology).

Examples of the institutions that have been captured include government and government agencies at all levels; educational institutions; mainstream media, and social media.

Other institutions that have been captured are corporations, and this is done under the banners of "DEI" or "ESG." This has resulted not only in the termination of individual employees but also damage to the bottom line. Two recent examples of the latter are Walt Disney and Bud Light, yet most corporations don't care that they are losing money and alienating their customers.

This process with corporations is usually described as "get woke, go broke." But the process frequently works in reverse: when a company starts to go broke, they seek assistance from financial management companies like BlackRock, who then support the failing company while imposing leftist ideology, making the failing company go woke as the price.

There is only one major movement against American communism: the MAGA movement. One major recapture of a solidly leftist media company was Elon Musk's purchase of Twitter, which once excluded anybody to the right of Karl Marx and is now available to everybody.

It is too early to tell how far along we are in Bezmenov's cycle, but if history is any indication, when those under the influence of leftist propaganda realize what is happening, they can lurch to national socialism. The democratic socialists and national socialists then become vultures fighting over the corpse of individual rights.